Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home Sweet Home

First Family Pic in our new home! :)
Hi all! Sorry for the delay in updating!! We've been a little busy ;) Sooo, we are alllll moved in!!! Thank God for good friends and family for making it as stress-free as possible!! Sandy and Bill drove ALL the way down here (leaving 80 degree weather to come help us move in 100 degree heat may I add!) They were SUCH a huge help! Our nanny Jennifer helped a ton with the kids and Clint and Natalie were life-savers as well!!! Then my Mom and Chuck came down over Labor Day weekend and helped us hang everything on the walls and do some handy work around the house! Thank you SO much for all of your help guys! Love you long time! :) But, we are getting all settled in! And we LOVE our new house...so much!! We are all so happy and blessed to be in such a wonderful home! The girls have so much space to play upstairs too which is awesome!! And our neighbors are the BEST! So many of them have gone way out of there way to welcome us to the neighborhood. We've been invited to several block parties and have a birthday party for a little girl turning 4 this Saturday that lives 2 doors down. Her name is Paige and her and Ade had a blast yesterday playing! We are just so so happy :)

And, during the chaos of getting settled into a new home, would you believe that I actually turned 30!!!??? I still can't believe it. We had several celebrations for the big bday!! The girls went out for a fun lunch and pedis, we went out with Bill and Sandy to one of our favorite Mexi joints, Nick took his girls out to a nice steak dinner and then we went out again with friends on Saturday night while my Mom and Chuck kept the girls! Had SO much fun!!

Birthday lunch with the girls! :)

Madilynn is 8 months old!!

Just a funny picture! :)

Nana and her youngest grandbaby! :)

 Will update again soon! xoxo
Momma K

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