Friday, August 19, 2011

Boxes, boxes, boxes!

Shew, am I tired of packing boxes!! This weekend is our last weekend before we move next week!! We close on Tuesday morning and will start moving that afternoon! We're so ready to be in our new home!! So, so excited!! And ready for the whole moving part to be over with!

Madilynn is officially everywhere and into everything! She is getting into Karma's water bowl, taking the rubber caps off the door stoppers and putting them in her mouth, climbing on everything and just wanting to stand all the time! I have been working with her so she'll learn to go from standing to sitting instead of standing to falling straight backwards! We have to put her in what we all call "Daddy's jail-time" (See pics below). Ade gets a kick out it when we put Madilynn in "jail-time."

Just a few cute pics from this week...

First attempt at jail-time. She figured out how to push the ottoman forward...

Added a few more pieces to jail-time...She's trying to figure out how to get out!

I know there is a way out of here...

Hmmm...I think I outsmarted my Daddy...

Oh's working!

Breaking out of jail!

Yay!!! I'm free! I broke out of Daddy's jail-time!!

That's all for now! Will update next week after the big MOVE!!!

Have a great weekend!

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