Friday, August 19, 2011

Boxes, boxes, boxes!

Shew, am I tired of packing boxes!! This weekend is our last weekend before we move next week!! We close on Tuesday morning and will start moving that afternoon! We're so ready to be in our new home!! So, so excited!! And ready for the whole moving part to be over with!

Madilynn is officially everywhere and into everything! She is getting into Karma's water bowl, taking the rubber caps off the door stoppers and putting them in her mouth, climbing on everything and just wanting to stand all the time! I have been working with her so she'll learn to go from standing to sitting instead of standing to falling straight backwards! We have to put her in what we all call "Daddy's jail-time" (See pics below). Ade gets a kick out it when we put Madilynn in "jail-time."

Just a few cute pics from this week...

First attempt at jail-time. She figured out how to push the ottoman forward...

Added a few more pieces to jail-time...She's trying to figure out how to get out!

I know there is a way out of here...

Hmmm...I think I outsmarted my Daddy...

Oh's working!

Breaking out of jail!

Yay!!! I'm free! I broke out of Daddy's jail-time!!

That's all for now! Will update next week after the big MOVE!!!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I wish...

Happy Tuesday! Adrienne is really into "wishing" for things these days...we told her not to tell anybody her wishes, or they won't come true! ;) She threw some money into a wishing well on Sunday afternoon when we were out running around and I asked her what she wished for. She said, "Mommy! I can't tell you or it won't come true!" haha. The next morning, she got up and ran in our room and said, "Mommy, I wished for a unicorn and a horse and I didn't tell anybody but it still didn't come true!" Just thought I'd share...:)

1 week from today, we will be closing on our new home!!!! Counting down the days!!

Have a good one!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On the Move!!!

Hi all!!! Well, we're back from Evansville! We had an awesome weekend!!! We got to spend lots of time in Nana and Pawpaw's new pool! It is SO nice!!! Adrienne and I had a date and got manis and pedis together :) Mama went out with her girlfriends on Friday night. The Alumni game was a success and so awesome to see everyone!! We had a baby shower for Baby Girl Groves, went to Miss Margo's 1st birthday party and finished off the weekend with a pool party at Sandy and Bill's that included a fun game of volleyball! SO fun! Thanks to everyone who always makes our visits so special and goes out of the way to make sure we are comfortable!! Love you!!

The reason this post is titled "On the Move" is because Madilynn is official totally MOBILE! And she is everywhere and into everything! She is crawling so fast. You can't even turn around without her disappearing! We have to put her in the pack-n-play when we need to leave the room (without her :) but she doesn't really like to be in there! She has places to go and people to see! :) She is starting to pull up on everything and then she LETS GO! And she has no idea how to get back down! This is her new awesome trick! Ah! She tried that in her bed the other day and fell straight back and bonked her eye! She's too cute though...just really keeping us on our toes these days!! Oh, a 3rd tooth has erupted right next to her bottom teeth! :)

So, it looks like it's a go! We are supposed to close on our current home and our new home on August 23...2 weeks from today, we'll be making the move to our new home!! We are so excited!! New home, new neighborhood! Woohoooo!!

I got our beach pictures from Redd Photography when we were home so I included a few below for you to see!! :) I love them and can't wait to frame them in our new home! :)

Our fam! :)

Madilynn at 6 months

Daddy and his baby girl


Linds, Molly (and baby girl), Kendra

Kaleb, Nana and Madi!

Ade and Pee-paw!

Madilynn and Margo!

Volleyball game in the new pool! So fun!

Miss Mermaid