Sunday, December 18, 2011

Annnndddd....We have a walker!!

Hi all!! So, is this time of year as crazy for you as it is for us! I'm guessing the answer is YES! And to add to the craziness of the season...our baby girl is turning ONE 2 days after Christmas! She has been practicing a lot on her walking skills and is now pretty much walking everywhere to get around!!! It's crazy! I was doing the dishes the other day and she was playing with the tupperware in the cabinets on the floor.  Then, she just stood up and walked right behind me to the other side of the room. I just looked behind me and watched her walk across the room in amazement...she looks so cute totting around!!! But with new walking comes lots of stumbles!!! She's pretty tough though -- she usually just bounces right back up! We're really looking forward to celebrating her first big birthday at my Mom's house over the holidays! I will bet money that Madilynn will dig right into her cake with no reservations!! Ade would not even touch her cake when she turned one! No surprise here! Our girls couldn't be more opposite! But it keeps things interesting around here :)

Adrienne had her school Christmas program last week. Let me tell you....I was DYING laughing with tears in my eyes! Her class sang "Up on the Rooftop" and boy did she belt out those words!! She was singing SO loud and was about a second too late for the first verse! LOL Her teacher turned around and looked at me and we both started cracking up! This is the same girl that cried to me 2 weeks ago when they started practicing because she said she didn't want to be on quite the turn-around here! It was soooo funny and cute!!!

 Well - just wanted to give you a quick update and upload a few new pictures! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and I'll update again after the holidays with Christmas and bday pics!!

Love -- Momma K

Ade riding a train at Breakfast with Santa!

This girl LOVES to eat and LOVES to make a mess!!

Hmmm...Madi wasn't too enthused! :)

Mom and Dad get a night out!